Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Love is

Love is……
Dedicated to the most charismatic guy (alias Kevin (the minion))

Love is when your heart falls for him, birds start singing and playing ethereal music around you within a few days after your first meet, just because he is the guy whom you had been looking out for.

Love is when he loves you truly, madly and deeply without any specific reason but for one good reason which is “love”.

Love is when he embraces you willingly with open arms despite of all your shortcomings and appalling past.

Love is when he being a guy having an illusory look of a hard shell on the exterior, values you and opens up to you instantly as he is super soft and is a beautiful soul in the core.

Love is when he cooks something simple yet exquisite for you and feeds you with his own hand when you are loaded up with deadweight of assignments, and you wished had your mom been there to cook for you.

Love is when he being a vigilant driver loses 750$ to Zipcar due to a crash, on hearing that you are suffering from an illness.

Love is when he treats you like a princess, returns early from work, takes you out to a classy restaurant and doesn’t not even show the slightest hint of weariness on his face.

Love is when he comes and hugs you from behind when you are prepping his favorite food and utters silently in your ears “I love you darling”.

Love is when he trusts you and your love so much like a father, that the only thing that perturbs him is your safety no matter with whom you are.

Love is when he seeks your permission before doing any trivial activity and apologizes repeatedly for really cute venial faults.

Love is when he being a non-Hindi speaking guy gains finesse in hindi and sings for you one of the most romantic Bollywood song “Tum hi ho”.

Love is when you being an insomniac, hibernate like a skunk by snuggling in his muscular cosy arms.

Love is when he safeguards you from all the hurdles that petrifies you just like the minion Kevin protects Bob.

Love is when your eyes brightens up to see what a tender heart he has when he feeds the homeless upon being asked by a homeless guy and donates extravagantly money to the people in need.

Love is when on listening to the famous Bollywood song “Tujhme rab dikhta hai” you see him in standing in front of you, the moment you close your eyes.

Love is when he being a tight-lipped and a good listener tells you stories in his own cutest possible unique ways, when you find difficulty in sleeping due to sickness.

                                                                                      With loads of love till eternity,

                                                                                         From Bob (the minion)